Although RFC2476 was published in December 1998, its amazing how few mail providers support the Message Submission protocol for e-mail on Port 587. Even odder, some mail providers use other ports such as 26 or 2525, but not the RFC recommended Port 587 for remote authenticated mail access for users. Large mail providers like AOL, GMAIL and Yahoo support authenticated mail on port 587; and some also support Port 465 for legacy SMTP/SSL. But a lot of universities and smaller mail providers don't. They still use SMTP Port 25 for roaming users. With AT&T, Earthlink, COX, Netzero and other ISPs filtering port 25 for years, I would have thought most mail providers would have started supporting Port 587 by now. What can be done to encourage universities and other mail providers with large roaming user populations to support RFC2476/Port 587? What can be done to encourage the mail client software programers (i.e. Outlook, Eudora, etc) to make Port 587 the default (or at least the first try) and let the user change it back to port 25 (or automatically fallback) if they are still using a legacy mail server. Sendmail now includes Port 587, although some people disagree how its done. But Exchange and other mail servers are still difficult for system administrators to configure Port 587 (if it doesn't say click here for Port 587 during the Windows installer, its too complicated).