As much as I thought the tutorial on Content-driven economics was well thought out, the reason that I am not entirely convinced is that I can imagine an internet economy which is as much "consumer" driven as Pushpendra's version is "content" driven. Imagine is you will that a new ISP evolved along the principles of these "free e-mail" services, except that it offered 100% free web access. It could start out offering full access to the entire net, and amassing an amazingly large comsumer audience. Then, with the "value" inherent in having all these consumers involved, it could announce to industry, that in order to be able to reach their audience, content-providers would have to pay for this service. NSPs could "aggregate" these transactions, such that a big NSP could negotiate with the consumer-driven ISP for universal access for all of NSP's customers. This would give the big NSP an advantage in the market. Consumers connected to this ISP would then be able to get to only those providers that would pay. Perhaps for a fee they could get universal access, but if the ISP had enough of the market, content-providers would be compelled to pay for access to the audience. It all follows the "follow the money" principle. Content providers, who make money either by advertising or by selling product, need an audience to make their money. They're already paying now for half of the cost of distribution -- why wouldn't they pay for the other half? -SteveK -- Steve Kann i/o 360 digital design 841 Broadway, Suite 502 PGP 1024/C0145E05 F2 D6 24 83 9E 52 9A 61 AA BB 97 61 5C A1 B8 CE Personal:stevek@SteveK.COM Business: stevek@io360.com