At 17:44 -0800 2/3/97, Bill Manning wrote:
Are you referring to the CIX? CIX-WEST?
Unlikely. The FIX is the exchange for US federal agency networks. There are two, FIX-EAST and FIX-WEST. They predate the MAE's and are, coincidentaly are where the two most popular maes flourished, mae-east is housed where FIX-EAST was born and FIX-WEST is in the same location where MAE-WEST started.
The predecessor of FIX East (FEBA :-) was in the SURAnet machine room in the basement of the CSC Building on the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park, where we had an NSS, and a NASA Proteon P4200 and an ESnet cisco AGS were connected. These networks peered with each other and SURAnet (using EGP :-) and various crufty configurations - this was put together throughout the spring of 1990. In the summer of 1990 we moved off campus because there was no space left (for people, equipment, or new circuits). In the new machine room out on Baltimore Blvd, a Milnet cisco and a TWBnet Butterfly were added. Also sometime during this period, I can't remember when exactly, UUnet/Alternet stopped appearing as a subscriber to SURAnet and started peering with us and the NSS (early peering vs transit wars). Although the NSS is gone now, and I expect that TWBnet is, too, at least some of this stuff still probably peers out there but I haven't been there for a couple of years now so I'm not sure.... dave