Sorry for not replying sooner. One of the goals of our IPv6 trials, as we mention on www.comcast6.net, is to exercise the technologies that are essential to extend IPv6 capable services to subscribers. This step is an important one as we plan for wide spread deployment. John On 1/28/10 7:00 AM, "nanog-request@nanog.org" <nanog-request@nanog.org> wrote:
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 21:51:11 -0600 From: William McCall <william.mccall@gmail.com> Subject: Re: Comcast IPv6 Trials To: "nanog@nanog.org" <nanog@nanog.org> Message-ID: <f9a8f301001271951y59b0f105j3d2299ca1f867124@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Saw this today too. This is a good step forward for adoption. Without going too far, what was the driving factor/selling point to moving towards this trial?
-- William McCall
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 1:23 PM, John Jason Brzozowski <john_brzozowski@cable.comcast.com> wrote:
I am emailing you today to share some news that we hope you will find interesting.
Today we are announcing our 2010 IPv6 trial plans. ?For more information please visit the following web site:
We have also made available a partial, dual-stack version of our portal which can be found at:
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email with any questions, comments, or clarifications.
If you feel that others will find this information interesting feel free to forward this message.
John ========================================= John Jason Brzozowski Comcast Cable e) mailto:john_brzozowski@cable.comcast.com o) 609-377-6594 m) 484-962-0060 =========================================
========================================= John Jason Brzozowski Comcast Cable e) mailto:john_brzozowski@cable.comcast.com o) 609-377-6594 m) 484-962-0060 w) http://www.comcast6.net =========================================