The dns-ok.us site is getting crushed from all the sudden media interest. We're trying to tweak it to handle the 50,000 or so simultaneous connections. Andy Andrew Fried andrew.fried@gmail.com On 7/6/12 12:34 PM, Eric J Esslinger wrote:
A) The DNS changer working group site http://www.dns-ok.us seems to be down for the clean people anyway. (Down for everyone agrees with me). B) Fox, CNN, and MSNBC have apparantly all run stories in the last couple of hours that essentially ended with 'Call your ISP if you have any questions' (gee thanks). And I'm told the ABC/CBS/NBC are running the same basic thing tonight, with the same basic ending.
The more you know...
__________________________ Eric Esslinger Information Services Manager - Fayetteville Public Utilities http://www.fpu-tn.com/ (931)433-1522 ext 165
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