You can also look at NMIS http://www.sins.com.au/nmis/ Pete Hoffswell 616-732-1101 (Grand Rapids, x1101) University LAN/WAN Coordinator 616-510-1198 (Mobile) IT Services pete.hoffswell@davenport.edu Davenport University http://www.davenport.edu -=-=- LAN/WAN services: http://networker.davenport.edu -=-=-
"Claydon, Tom" <Tom.Claydon@DobsonTelco.net> 9/14/2004 3:47:45 PM
I'm looking for open-source alternatives for network management, such as Nagios or Big Brother. We are currently using WhatsUp Gold, and would like to move to something more flexible (and not running on a Windows platform). Something that has email/paging capabilities, and can process SNMP traps would be a plus for us as well. Recommendations? Thanks.