In message <2BB18527-2F9C-4FEE-95DD-3F89919A8049@xyonet.com>, Curtis Maurand wr ites:
If Time Warner (my ISP) put up IPv6 tomorrow, my firewall would no longer wo rk. I could put up a pfsnse or vyatta box pretty quickly, but my off the sh elf Cisco/Linksys home router has no ipv6 support hence the need to replace the hardware. There's no firmware update for it supporting ipv6 either. The re would be millions of people in the same boat.
Total garbage that *everyone* here should recognise as total garbage. If Time Warner turned on IPv6 your firewall would just continue to work as it always has. TURNING ON IPv6 DOES NOT TURN OFF IPV4. As for millions of people needing to upgrade their CPE equipement you really should be asking yourself if you should be rewarding those vendors for selling you IPv4 only equipement in the first place. If Microsoft, along with lots of other vendors could deliver IPv6 capable equipment in 2001, your and every other CPE vendor could have done so. Instead they sold you out of date garbage that you happily accepted. Mark
Cheers, Curtis
On October 1, 2015 5:44:46 PM ADT, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
On Oct 1, 2015, at 12:06 , Curtis Maurand <cmaurand@xyonet.com> wrote:
On Oct 1, 2015, at 00:39 , Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1 October 2015 at 03:26, Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org> wrote:
Windows XP does IPv6 fine so long as there is a IPv4 recursive server available. It's just a simple command to install IPv6.
netsh interface ipv6 install
If the customer knew how to do that he wouldn't still be using Windows XP.
Actually I don't expect Gmail and Facebook to be IPv4 only forever.
Gmail and Facebook are already dual stack enabled. But I do not see Facebook turning off IPv4 for a very long time. Therefore a customer that only uses the Internet for a few basic things will be able to get along with being IPv4-only for a very long time.
Yes and no…
I think you are right about facebook.
However, I think eventually the residential ISPs are going to start charging extra for IPv4 service. Some residences may pay for it initially, but if
On 10/1/2015 2:29 PM, Owen DeLong wrote: they think there’s a
way to move away from it and the ISPs start fingerpointing to the specific laggards, you’ll see a groundswell of consumers pushing to find alternatives.
ipv6 is going to force a lot of consumers to replace hardware. Worse, it's not easy to set up and get right as ipv4 is.
You’re going to have to elaborate on that one…. I think IPv6 is actually quite a bit easier than IPv4, so please explicate in what ways it is harder to set up and get right?
For the average household, it’s plug the IPv6-capable router in and let it go.
For more advanced environments, it might take nearly as much effort as IPv4 and the unfamiliarity might add a couple of additional challenges the first time, but once you get past that, IPv6 has a lot of features that actually make it easier than IPv4.
Not having to deal with NAT being just one of the big ones.
-- Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org