We found a routing loop on 8/20 caused by some maintenance that either did not get completed, wasn't properly configured, or otherwise had some problems the evening before. At that point I went ahead and shut down BGP peering and asked to be notified when all was well. 8/26 notified that all was well, other customers had been affected, really sorry about that, etc. 8/27 received another emergency maintenance notification 8/29 received another emergency maintenance notification I did not do any investigation so I don't know any more then the above but there clearly is some work being done that has not gone exactly as planned. Meanwhile, peering will remain down until they things get straightened out. I suppose the short answer is, we've seen problems for about 10 days. Hope they get things worked out. -wil On Aug 30, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Rusty Hodge wrote:
Anyone using transit from GNi at 365main seeing problems on routes that normally go over Above.net?
For the last 36 hours, we've had problems. GNi isn't saying anything except that "replacement router cards are being delivered".
I'm not sure if it's just routing via Above.net but lots of routes going through core-01.ge-1-1.sfo1.gni.com seems to be getting dropped.