DirecPC (Hughes) now has a business grade service called DirecWay. Haven't tried it. One would expect it would be better than the ones intended for residential only. It claims to go to 1.5M down like Tachyon.
I use Direcway presently as my primary link. I refer to it as, "Dialup Plus!" As a previous poster noted, ssh sessions are painful. I now resort to typing e-mails out in a local text editor and cutting and pasting them into my ssh window. Here's a local traceroute performed just now at 7am on a Wednesday to a random service like Google. Performance gets significantly poorer during peak business hours. High d/l rates are only achievable late at night it seems. 1 797 ms 810 ms 810 ms 2 742 ms 686 ms 742 ms 3 796 ms 755 ms 742 ms 4 920 ms 755 ms 742 ms 5 741 ms 755 ms 687 ms] 6 742 ms 741 ms 687 ms [] 7 755 ms 741 ms 742 ms 8 796 ms 742 ms 755 ms [] 9 742 ms 755 ms 741 ms [] 10 783 ms 810 ms 824 ms [] 11 810 ms 879 ms 810 ms [] 12 810 ms 811 ms 810 ms [] 13 742 ms 810 ms 810 ms [] 14 811 ms 810 ms 810 ms [] 15 783 ms 796 ms 824 ms www.google.com [] /david