On Sat, Oct 26, 2013 at 7:46 PM, Gary Baribault <gary@baribault.net> wrote:
The other difference is that Google tells you up front, LinkedIn installed this out of the bleue without any real permissions. Of course if this where an opt in thing, nobody would be opting in! Well, I never did install their app and most certainly never will, and am telling all of my friends about this as well.
Have you actually confirmed it's NOT opt-in? The screenshots on the Linked-in engineering blog referenced earlier certainly make it look like it is. http://engineering.linkedin.com/sites/default/files/intro_installer_0.png Of course, you could argue there's a difference between opting-in for "enhancing your email with Intro" and opting-in for "Please MITM all of my email and dynamic modify it", but that's really just semantics - it definitely appears to be opt-in. Scott