To report smurfs in a more automated fashion we need a utility that'll take an IP number as input and then return email adresses from the arin/ripe whois database. I guess this can be done an an hour or five :) but I wonder if someone already has done this and would consider posting it here or to me privately? I was also pondering if mail should be sent to upstream providers or not, for instance, if one of netcoms customers was a smurf intermediate, doing a whois on their /24 would reveal both them and netcom, should an email be sent to both? I think this would be a good thing the way things are run here in Europe (when the ISP often owns the router placed at the customers location) but I dont know how it is run over over there so perhaps someone could enlighten me and give me an opinion? ----- Mikael Abrahamsson email: swmike@swm.pp.se