On Mon, 24 Mar 2008 23:13:25 -0400 "Rodrick Brown" <rodrick.brown@gmail.com> wrote:
They're a few companies that specialize in "DDOS protection type services" one company that comes to mind is Prolexic and their IPN infrastructure protection service. Prolexic will basically absorbs all attacks filter out the bad data and then deliver clean traffic back to your network. Its completly transparent to you're clients. Its not cheap but i've worked with a few internet based trading companies who used this service to litigate DDOS attacks on their network infrastructure.
Prolexic was indicted about 1.5 years ago for aiding gambling sites: http://www.infoworld.com/article/06/11/15/HNnyillegalonlinegambling_1.html http://www.firstamendment.com/media/NYQCIndictment.pdf Does anyone know if the indictment has been dropped? (It should be.) A quick poke around their site didn't show any news items saying that. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb