On 5/09/2007, at 8:52 PM, Stephen Sprunk wrote:
P.S. I'm writing this from behind a monopoly ISP who deliberately blocks all proto 41 traffic, and thus 6to4, so I have no idea what content, if any, the Experiment is actually providing... Anyone want to give me a Teredo relay for "research" purposes? :)
Luckily for you, the relay that is used isn't something you get to decide - the far end (in this case, the IPv6 experiment's servers) chose the relay based on their best path to 2001::/32. The bit you can chose is a Teredo /server/ - luckily, there are several living servers, open to the world. They should all work just fine for you, unless someone is blocking the Teredo port. Unluckily, there's no content there. "Yet" - it's been "yet" for about a year now. -- Nathan Ward