well, a copy of "the bell technical journal" with the first paper describing unix is on my shelf.
On my bookshelf too. I believe this was more of a "technical reports" series than a referreed journal since it contained only work being done by the one organization. A lot of universities and research labs also publish a "technical reports" series that describes work whichj may or may not make its way into journals and conference proceedings. Would it be better to think of a way that NANOG could publish a series of NANOG Technical Reports rather than a journal? This seems to be the ideal way to formalize work that is supposed to focus on the here and now by describing stuff that is operationally useful no more than 6 months into the future. Then we would have an archive of NANOG presentations, associated NANOG Technical Reports and the occasional pointer to a journal paper when the author takes their work to that stage. --Michael Dillon