perhaps this is one of the not-so-obvious benefits of running a web proxy cache such as squid. the greater internet can have larger packets floating around, and the local proxy of the ISP can deal with horrible tcp stacks, retransmissions and client machine with small receive buffer sizes.
And imagine having 2 interfaces on this machine, one with MTU=1500 and one with MTU=576. -- Phil Howard | no33ads4@dumb5ads.org ads6suck@dumb2ads.org stop3it7@spammer9.com phil | no0way72@lame7ads.net die8spam@no99ads1.net eat7this@anyplace.com at | w5x8y4z5@anyplace.com stop2it1@spammer0.com a9b0c8d8@noplace4.com milepost | die6spam@noplace8.com end6it79@no2place.com a5b0c5d3@s0p8a2m1.edu dot | crash053@anyplace.org crash981@spam6mer.com end8it77@dumbads7.org com | no20ads6@anyplace.org stop6221@dumb3ads.com ads9suck@no7place.net