Barry Shein <bzs@world.std.com> on 10/01/98 01:41:18 PM To: Aaron Goldblatt <aglists@goldblatt.net> cc: nanog@merit.edu (bcc: Kevin Brown/Teamhuber) Subject: Re: Is the .to (Tonga) domain completely rogue and should be removed? That was never the complaint. Are you being willfully ignorant or does it just come naturally? -- -Barry Shein ManOMan.. this is the exact same thought I was having about your behavior Barry. Take your crank elsewhere...I think the overwhelming populace of this list are absolutely tired of your willfully ignorant behavior and obvious social shortcomings. Seek help Barry, Seek it away from Nanog. STOP THIS THREAD. If you think you have a problem with .TO call the phone number, lodge a complaint with them, but please don't use NANOG as your "Party-Line Phone System." That technology went away (mostly) long ago...please take yourself with it. I suspect a former Tongan friend of yours has done you wrong, and now you are lashing out publically for it...they have a name for this Barry... displacement of anger. Please...displace yourself elsewhere... Must I go on? or can someone completely remove the rogue user Barry? Seems as if his postings are becoming a new "spam" of sorts... personal enlightenment at the cost of others, and their bandwidth. Someone get a Binky for Barry.