On 17/09/2010, at 21.06, Everton Marques <everton.marques@gmail.com> wrote:
nfdump with custom output.
Custom output format: -o fmt:.. This is the most flexibel format, as you can specify yourself how the output looks like. The output format is defined using element tags as well as plain ascii text.
And to complement that: - nfsen - netflow dashboard - pmGraph The first one relies on nfdump, and offers a nice drill down web based analysis tool with the nifty feature that it shows the nfdump commands to be run on the cli to obtain the data output used to represent the current interval Haven't tried the second one yet, but it uses postgresql to store samples. Might be easy to dump csv from that. Beware though of table growth. Pmgraph is developed by aptivate.org and I'm sure Chris Wilson will have something good to say about it :) Sorry for no URLs, using big fingers on small Iphone.