I think I have used WiFi terminals ("air ports", "WiFi routers" [spit]) that offer a "bridge" mode, apparently to build a dedicated radio link between two such terminals.
The ones I've seen Normally those things are routers, typically with NAT on the wifi side. If you put it in bridge mode it is indeed a bridge, passing the packets back and forth without messing with them. Depending on which way you set them up, it might be a wireless link between two wired networks, or an extra access point with the wire running back to the router.
Next objective: Somebody to 'splain at what happened to the wonderfulness of the OSI model where layer X did not know, could not know, did not care what layer X-1 was, did, or how it did it.
It never actually existed. If you built your network that way, passing each packet up and down six or seven layers, it would have been absurdly slow. In reality the layers only happen in places where you can plug in multiple things at one layer, e.g., different physical connections underneath your IP layer. R's, John