Someone coming up with tools to solve Paul's problems. Anyone can send an XML formated notice to an ISP, and the user's Internet access is automatically restricted. Spoofing? Btw, the music industry has applied for a patent on the technique. Prior art anyone? http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-5194341.html Known as the Automated Copyright Notice System (ACNS), the technology promises to ease copyright enforcement on peer-to-peer networks, saving schools and Internet service providers (ISPs) time and money. It would allow them to restrict or cut off Internet access for alleged infringers automatically on notice from a record label or movie studio. For example, universities using ACNS could instantly send notices of copyright infringement to students by e-mail and restrict their network access until they have removed the file. [...] "We're helping the ISP or university with policy enforcement, we're not dictating the policy but we're saying here's a tool to help with automating the process. We're the friends of the ISP," said Mark Ishikawa, chief executive officer of BayTSP, a Los Gatos, Calif.-based company that is using the system on behalf of copyright holders.