On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 08:37:32AM -0700, Roy wrote:
This article seems to imply that North American networks don't care about IP V6 while the rest of the world is suffering great hardship
PS. Please don't shoot the messenger
The technical errors in this document make me seriously doubt this guy knows anything at all about IPv6 (or IPv4 for that matter). e.g. "The versions created 30 years ago were 32 bits long. Each bit could hold a number from one through nine. Under that scheme, there are 4.3 billion different number combinations." erm... since when did a "binary digit" have 9 possible values? and "IPv6 addresses are 132 bits. The resulting list of IP addresses is two googles long, an enormous number. If you want to write it, it's a "3" followed by 38 zeroes." Ignoring the obvious error, I don't know what math's reference this guy is using, but mine says that a google is 1e100, not 1.5e38... The reference to 70% of people in Europe having a web enabled phone made me laugh too... although I guess it could be true - my last 3 mobile phones have all had WAP capability, but I don't know of anyone that actually uses this feature. -- Russell Heilling http://www.ccie.org.uk/ PGP: finger russellh@bela.homeunix.net