On 04/30/00 10:14:22 PM jlewis@lewis.org wrote:
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, John Fraizer wrote:
PGP is your friend. On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Roland Dobbins wrote:
The new spy centre will decode messages that have been encrypted. Under new powers due to come into force this summer, police will be able to require individuals and companies to hand over computer "keys", special codes that unlock scrambled messages.
Sorry officer...I can't seem to remember my passphrase :)
I wonder if this will prompt people who care in the UK to frequently revoke/destroy/recreate their PGP keys. Otherwise, if forced to hand over your private key, they can read any old message they've archived on you.
Actually, it's worse. If you don't turn over the key when asked, you get 2 years of jail time. If you can't prove you don't have the key, you're considered guilty. If you publically mention these events, you can be jailed for 5 more years.