Was big? IS big... I watched all the BellAtlantic.net circuits into the ATM cloud come up while ours still languishes... Alex has the scoop, but I understand there's only 50% or so restored now. No real good info from anyone on what the cause is. They mumbled something about fiber and electricity on the support line, Northpoint said it was a botched upgrade... Charles On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Martin, Christian wrote:
Still feeling the effects -- this outage was big. 2000 (That's right, TWO THOUSAND) DS3s were down for 12 hours or more. Alcatel has been on-site for 9 of them.
-----Original Message----- From: Alex Rubenstein [mailto:alex@nac.net] Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 12:21 AM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Majore North Jersey outage...
Just spoke to Bell Atl, major DACS failure in 'newark-2', aka 95 williams st., newark.
On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Alex Rubenstein wrote:
Reports coming in from throughout the state show Fast Packet services (Frame, ATM), 411, 911, 0, 800, 900 services not working in much of north jersey (LATA 224).
Details to follow...