Thus spake Muljawan Hendrianto (muljawan.hendrianto@siemens.com.sg):
Another issue is high availability, does any body use server clustering in an ISP environment? I am thinking about having a Sun Cluster for these pop servers, but will I need a special HA agent ?
Stick a bunch of them behind a server load balancer like a Foundry ServerIron or an F5. Then you don't have to worry about who the server vendor is. Then you can use FreeBSD boxen for the servers and save a chonka dough.
What about LDAP for user's authentication ? Is it recommended to use ?
I haven't used LDAP yet, but have you looked into RADIUS? I think LDAP is newer, so it might have better features, but as I recall, both are open standards, and open standards should always prevail. Regards, --John