Rep. Boucher's solution: more capacity, even though it has been demonstrated many times more capacity doesn't actually solve this particular problem.
That would seem to be an inaccurate statement.
Is there something in humans that makes it difficult to understand the difference between circuit-switch networks, which allocated a fixed amount of bandwidth during a session, and packet-switched networks, which vary the available bandwidth depending on overall demand throughout a session?
Packet switch networks are darn cheap because you share capacity with lots of other uses; Circuit switch networks are more expensive because you get dedicated capacity for your sole use.
So, what happens when you add sufficient capacity to the packet switch network that it is able to deliver committed bandwidth to all users? Answer: by adding capacity, you've created a packet switched network where you actually get dedicated capacity for your sole use. If you're on a packet network with a finite amount of shared capacity, there *IS* an ultimate amount of capacity that you can add to eliminate any bottlenecks. Period! At that point, it behaves (more or less) like a circuit switched network. The reasons not to build your packet switched network with that much capacity are more financial and technical than they are "impossible." We "know" that the average user will not use all their bandwidth. It's also more expensive to install more equipment; it is nice when you can fit more subscribers on the same amount of equipment. However, at the point where capacity becomes a problem, you actually do have several choices: 1) Block certain types of traffic, 2) Limit {certain types of, all} traffic, 3) Change user behaviours, or 4) Add some more capacity Come to mind as being the major available options. ALL of these can be effective. EACH of them has specific downsides. ... JG -- Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net "We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN) With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.