On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Alec H. Peterson wrote:
The reason MAE-east and MAE-west have grown so much is because they are located in areas where there is lots of traffic flowing. The popularity of peering points has almost nothing to do with the interconnect costs, those are peanuts to most companies. Why on earth would I drag a DS3 n-thousand miles to some city that doesn't have any traffic flowing to/from it? I wouldn't, because it would be a waste of money.
You would not, but most providers have DS3 or OC3 to Atlanta anyway, so it is not a lot to extend a 0 mile DS3 or even OC3. Also Florida is one of the fastest growing ISP markets in the US and it is MUCH better to go to Atlanta-NAP to exchange traffic then to go to MAE-East or MAE-Dallas.
Also, I daresay MFS has substantially more experience in selling access to and operating peering points than you do, as they've been running the two biggest ones for years, and obviously haven't had any problem whatsoever selling access to them. The newer MAEs might not
Ya, and most of them will work for me, I get so many calls form MFS people it is not even funny. I don't know what is going on over there, but they want to jump.
have all that many connections into them yet, but the pricing of the connection to the switch is not the limiting factor. It's the tens of thousands of dollars for the DS3/OC3 to the colo point.
Well I am not saying Erols should drop a DS3 to Atlanta-NAP, you need to connect to the NSF NAPs first. Atlanta-NAP is not the place for people like you who just sit off MAE-East and buy transit from other ISPs that do that same. It is more for people who have a nationwide network and would like to spend a little money to exchange traffic in Atlanta and not bring it all to MAE-East. Nathan Stratton President, NetRail,Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Phone (888)NetRail NetRail, Inc. Fax (703)534-5033 2007 N. 15 St. Suite 5 WWW http://www.netrail.net/ Arlington, VA 22201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34