I'm confused. Does Mr. Vixie come over to your office and configure your sendmail to reject messages from RBL'ed addresses? Does Mr. Vixie configure come over to your office and configure your routers to drop packets from an RBL'ed address? If the answer to both of these is "NO", which I'm almost certain it is, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. By enabling those features, you have ASKED him to censor your data for you. If you don't want him to be the final arbiter, feel free to remove the FEATURE(rbl) line from your .mc file, and lo and behold the censorship stops. Or is it Mr. Vixie's job to come over to your office and do that for you? There are plenty of people, who are HAPPY to have Paul's RBL (I recently subscribed last night finally, thank you Paul!) around to lighten the workloads of our servers, and to lessen the mailspools of our customers. If you are not among those, simply feel free to not use it. But don't presume to imply that just because YOU don't trust Paul's judgement on who you want to get mail from, that I should feel it necessary to not trust his judgement. D On Thu, 7 Feb 2036, Bob Allisat wrote:
Mr. Vixie and his cohorts increasingly imagine themselves to be the final and ultimate arbiters in matters of Network integrity. Having them sit in judgement over the Black Holing of successive and alleged perpetrators violates numerous protections and freedoms all citizens
It is my opinion that these activities have reached their zenith and something should be done to finally Black Hole Vixie/RBL should they continue on their renegade mission of uncontrolled and arbitrary censorship. Maybe it is time to pull the plug on the ultimate plug pullers, black hole the black holers!
Bob Allisat
Free Community Network _ bob@fcn.net . http://fcn.net http://fcn.net/allisat _ http://fcn.net/draft
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