On 20 Feb 2019, at 9:16 PM, bzs@theworld.com wrote:
On February 20, 2019 at 15:29 bruns@2mbit.com (Brielle Bruns) wrote:
On 2/20/2019 1:22 PM, Matthew Black wrote:
Have you ever created a sendmail.cf without using M4?
I've certainly maintained them, one usually started with whatever came with the source distr or maybe you'd get someone to share something with you to bang on.
One reason sendmail.cf's seem so complicated is because sendmail was designed to gateway and route between very different email systems. ...
<chuckle> sendmail.cf was fun, but MMDF channels were so much more amusing – and rather necessary in order to deal with gatewaying BITNET, phonenet, DECNET, X25NET, uunp, and ondemand dialup-ip ppp and cslip domains in a semi-reliable manner on the relay.cs.net <http://relay.cs.net/> and relay2.cs.net <http://relay2.cs.net/> servers. It didn’t help that many sendmail.cf files in those days shipped relay.cs.net <http://relay.cs.net/> preset as their default smtp relay host… always made for large queues and careful editing. /John