On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 sigma@pair.com wrote:
Theoretically, you could do the same with ftp as with pop3 - use usernames like 'user@domain.com'.
Not for anonymous FTP. The username provided by every FTP client out there is "ftp" or "anonymous", nothing more.
FTP is by no means wretched. It's still in widespread use, and with good reason.
On the contrary, it is wretched. It sends secrets in clear text. You can do nifty things like bounce port probes through some FTPD's because of the data channel (a hold over from the days of NCP, before TCP). FTPD is easy to configure incorrectly, severely compromising the security of the system running it (this is more admin error, I know). I'm sure there are others who can add to the list. However, with that said, I'd like to state that discussing the merits of the File Transfer Protocol is only vaguely operational before someone else does. I'll be more than happy to continue this conversation off-list though. __ Joseph W. Shaw - jshaw@insync.net