On Thu, 07 Jan 2010 13:51:41 CST, Brian Johnson said:
On 7 Jan 2010, at 18:18, William Pitcock wrote:
...why would you have that on a mailing list post? because the mail server that adds it is too dumb to differentiate between list and direct mail?
Bingo! ;)
That sort of gratuitous "add it to everything because our software is too stupid to sort it out" is *this* close to what the legal eagles call "overwarning". Just sayin'. (Basically, your site and everybody else's site sticks it on everything, all the recipients just ignore it the same way we almost always ignore Received: headers because they're on every message and very rarely have any useful content - with the end result that if you stick it on a message that *matters*, it will still get ignored....) Oh, and is your company ready to indemnify my employer for the costs of "destroy all copies of the original message" sufficiently thoroughly to prevent recovery by a competent forensics expert? This may include, but not be limited to, the main mail store for 70,000 people, backup tapes, and other mail systems where the data may have been logically deleted but as yet not overwritten. Just sayin'. ;)