Brandon Galbraith wrote:
On 6/23/08, Nathan Ward <nanog@daork.net> wrote:
Do 'normal' web hosting providers allow customer created scripts to create TCP sessions out to arbitrary things?
Doesn't PHP provide a fair amount of TCP functionality that can be used simply by uploading the code you need to your shared web hosting account?
PHP, Perl, Python all provide the ability to generate Socket connections via TCP and UDP. At the Web hosting company I used to work at, they ran a "mostly open" policy when it came to outbound connections. This was particularly true of co-located-equipment and leased-equipment customers, much more so than the shared-equipment accounts. When I monitored traffic, I found that the most common port for outgoing TCP connections was on port 80. Investigation of TCP port-22 outbound traffic showed that most of that traffic was SCP and tunneled RSYNC traffic to single locations. We found our share of bad apples, such as the the guy who set up a tunnel between a leased server and his location in Texas, for the purpose of running a spammer Web site with the payload coming to the Web host's IP addresses instead of the spammer operators' addresses. Of more interest to me, though, was the monitoring of traffic on our currently unallocated IP addresses; *lots* of woodpeckering on a wide variety of ports. The reason I originally set up a server that would accept packets from all currently-unused IP addresses was to minimize the ARP flooding that occurred when someone would hammer on an IP address that wasn't in use. Once that was in place, it was a trivial matter to monitor abusive traffic and add to the local access control list as necessary when requests to the network operators of the source of abusive traffic would not take steps to remove the people who were not RFC 1855-compliant. The default server's logs proved to be an excellent way for us to detect compromised on-site dedicated servers, particularly those servers infected with mal-ware designed to "probe the immediate neighborhood" first.