Hi, I'm currently planing the "communications room" for our new computer center where the equipment of the carriers and our backbone-/ distribution-routers will be installed. To avoid all the pitfalls of unstructured cabling ;) I'd like to realise the cabling as structured as possible. My current scheme uses 3 "fibre cross connects": * one to connect carrier-lines and bb-routers (~500 SM ports) * one to connect bb-router and distr-routers (~400 MM ports) * one to connect distr-routers with access-routers/distribution switches in the rooms where servers are placed (~3000 MM ports) -> * maximum flexibility * connects are only done via short patch cables a) inside the rack of the equipment to a pach panel b) between ports off the cross connect * the way from one port to another is explicit Fibre cross connects which could cope with these port counts seem to be the Telect ADF and the ADC NGF, but they're probably the Ferraris (?) of the fibre management frames and probably quite expensive too (I must admit I have no experience at all with these beasts...) So my questions: * Does the general setup make sene? What could be done in a better way? * Are there some useful resources in the web about cabling structuring? (for other interested: http://stele.adc.com/Library/Literature/842.pdf is quite good IMHO) I'd be happy to hear if somebody did make some positive or negative experience and what vendors are having useful and price worthy products (or products I should avoid for certain reasons ;) ). Even though we'll have few copper lines (for E1/ISDN), I'd be happy about copper-cabling resources/infos too... thanks && tschuess Stefan -- Stefan Mink Schlund + Partner AG Tel: +49 721 91374 0 Netzwerkabteilung Erbprinzenstr. 4-12 Fax: +49 721 91374 212 D-76133 Karlsruhe Mail: mink@schlund.net