I ended up calling 611 on my Verizon phone and they were extremely nice and tried to help, but were unable to take it any further due the the fact that the call appears to route properly. The problem is that the call does route, but to the wrong switch in the wrong LATA and then routes over failover ISUP trunks. The rep tried to escalate it and reported back that there was nothing they could do because the call routes successfully. She agreed that it was going to be very difficult for me to get that to pass through the layers of support. It's very sad that this has to be so complicated. Thanks for the suggestions, Tom On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Tom Pipes <tom.pipes@t6mail.com> wrote:
Does anyone know who I could contact at Verizon Wireless regarding mis-routing one of my NXX blocks?
Off list responses are fine.
-- Tom Pipes Essex Telcom Inc