On 04/02/2008, at 4:38 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:
I agree with Rod Beck as far as the speculations go. It could be terror,
Well, no, it couldn't be. Nobody is being terrorized by this. How can it possibly be a terrorist incident? If it's deliberate, it might be described as an "information warfare tactic." But not terrorism. (visions of some guy sitting a in cave with a pair of wet boltcutters laughing maniacally to himself, cackling, "Ha-ha! Now their daytraders will get upset, and teenagers will get their porn _slower_! Die American scum!" Doesn't really work, does it?) Politicians have succeeded in watering down the definition of the word "terrorism" to the point where it no longer has any meaning. But we're rational adults, not politicians, right? If we can't get it right, who will? - mark -- Mark Newton Email: newton@internode.com.au (W) Network Engineer Email: newton@atdot.dotat.org (H) Internode Systems Pty Ltd Desk: +61-8-82282999 "Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton" Mobile: +61-416-202-223