Avi, While this is useful as a metric of the degree of aggregation, it is not sufficient to configure aggregation. This is still useful as a means to look at where improvement may be needed. Please don't get me wrong in pointing out that there are limits to the applicability, this *is* useful. In message <199511270400.XAA05234@netaxs.com>, Avi Freedman writes:
Well, after observing the debates about What To Do About The Routing Table Size, I decided to work on some informal tools to examine the current routing table space for possible aggregations.
Right now, the raw data is the routing table from the Net Access MAE-East router.
It only searches for aggregates /15 < x < /25 right now - ignoring some fairly obvious aggregation-suggestions in the /8 < x < /16 range.
The results are up at http://routes.netaxs.com and the some of the caveats are listed on the web page, but are:
1) When the Net Access MAE-East router has multiple identical routes that point to the same next-hop (192.41.177.x), the system only uses the one first listed in the cisco 'sho ip bgp summ' output - even though that's not always the 'best' route.
The routing table seen at one place in the Internet is insufficient to determine whether aggregation is possible. Part of the problem is that equally specific alternate paths are supressed until primary connectivity is lost. You may not see alternate paths for multihomed sites that would prevent aggregation.
2) When an AS advertises both an aggregate and a specific, the specific is 'dropped' by the aggregator. If the input is: {,}, the output will be: {} ( will be dropped).
This is often done to allow a multihomed component of an aggregate to be routed correctly while still providing the backup path, or allowing load splitting across providers (usually load split by AS path filtering or more simply by AS path length). There is no way to tell a mistake from this being done intentionally.
3) The source of data is the Net Access MAE-East router routing table, and we don't peer with all parties at MAE-East directly - thus, it's possible that the system catches aggregations that are impossible because they're announced to a 3rd party via different paths - but an informal look around doesn't appear to indicate that.
4) The system goes by next-hop rather than by AS-Path. There seems to be a good correlation, but ...
You really need to take into account AS path. As far back as 1992 we've seen grossly optimistic estimates based solely on next hop at single points (including estimates from me in June/July 1992). In effect what you have is the degree of aggregation possible if the aggregartion boundry was extended around the entire rest of the world (or at least everyone that peered directly with you at the point of measurement). What can be aggregated according to such an estimate will vary according to who is making the measurement and where.
Also, the final disclaimer: I've examined the results and they *look* reasonable. But I haven't written tester-tools to attempt to verify by another algorithm that the results are correct.
Here's the table at the end of the web page:
Before After Run Agg. Run ibm 81 68 digex 98 98 eu.net 949 775 nsn.nasa 126 112 ans 2146 1425 agis 539 304 uscyber 2 2 interpath 2 2 net99 309 246 mci 2 2 mci 8963 6828 pipex 367 308 netcom 370 348 psi 1 1 icp 4499 3712 sprintlink 6429 4694 psi 1491 1098 alternet 3971 3148 es.net 96 88 es.net 122 101 suranet 470 445 internex 1 1 ios 10 8 cais 184 158 hlc 354 243 energis 2 2 delphi 3 3
A final note: We're open to {Additional static sources of route tables at MAE-East; Additional static sources of route tables at {MAE-West, Pennsauken, or the PacBell NAP}; and dynamic (i.e. the vty password so we can run a sho ip bgp summ every so often) sources at any of the MAEs or NAPs.
You will find that while improvement is possible, and may still even be fairly substantial, your figures represent an optimistic estimate. Another way of estimating what can be aggregated is by determining from how many places all of the components of an aggregate could be heard in all backup situations. In some cases it might be reasonable to drop some degree of alternate connectivity (fourth or fifth preferred paths) and allow a number of holes (specifically aggregated components). In principle this could be done algorithmically using the IRR. In practice, you need to check with some of the parties involved to make sure registered information (particialrly aut-num AS peerings) are accurate beforehand. Using the IRR you (or we) can select candidates for aggregation and then make sure the aggregation can really be asfely done. This is a little different in than you estimate in that it the viewpoint is what can we aggregate, rather than what might we see better aggregated in the future. The bgp paths at major interconnects could form a useful sanity check, making sure that AS paths do not conflict with IRR AS peering information for any candidate for aggregation.
If we get good feedback, we may automate this to run overnight and keep a history.
Avi Freedman freedman@netaxs.com
Thanks for the information. Curtis ps- This thread was not about ANS, but for those following NANOG activity might who may want it, here is a brief update. We have not yet deployed the code needed to generate configurations that take advantage of aggregates marked in the IRR. For a rough hint at where we are headed, see: ftp://ftp.ans.net/pub/papers/slides/nanog-sep-1995-proxy-agg.ps