AT&T's AVPN product (Layer 3 VPN/"MPLS") does any-any routing and constantly changes L3 hops for the best pathing. I've used the service at a few jobs and the product itself is quite good. Dealing with them for things like MACD's can be...frustrating. We've never had a location they couldn't service either directly or via another last mile carrier. Spencer Ryan | Senior Systems Administrator | sryan@arbor.net<mailto:sryan@arbor.net> Arbor Networks +1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m) www.arbornetworks.com<http://www.arbornetworks.com/> ________________________________ From: NANOG <nanog-bounces@nanog.org> on behalf of Arqam Gadit <gadit.arqam@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 11:13:56 AM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Managed global low latency network with any to any connectivity Hello guys, I am looking for a global network with: - lowest possible latency - lowest possible jitter (packet loss and latency variation) - lowest possible monetary cost The few providers I have talked to until now, they all provide a point-to-point low latency link. However, what I am looking for is any-to-any connectivity so I can get from one point to another in least possible time and least possible cost. Would appreciate if you guys can point me in the right direction. Thanks! Arqam