Sorry for the delayed message but my mailbox exploded and I'm just now catching up..
As much as I enjoy finding out about Yahoo & GlobalCenter issues by reading the newswires, I wonder if there are any lessons we can learn from these events. Or was this not big enough to get attention of upper management?
Was there something Yahoo!, GlobalCeneter or other providers could have done, either individually or in cooperation, to prevent the problem?
Likewise, could they, individually or in cooperation with other providers, have shortened the duration or severity by doing something different?
And finally, would they be more successfull in tracking the source the the problem by doing something different?
From what I understand, the traffic generated to the yahoo web servers was in the form of a SYN flood. I find it interesting that the DDOS mechanism used did this. If you try to solve the congestion problem by rate limiting, there may still be enough of the SYN packets getting through to take out the server. So it seems we had better get better at dealing with layered attacks.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wayne Bouchard [Immagine Your ] web@typo.org [Company Name Here] Network Engineer ----------------------------------------------------------------------