14 Apr
14 Apr
11:27 p.m.
* Rene Huizinga:
Well, at least is is still somehow with the same party...
Not quite. The organization formerly known as "debis" is now called "T-Systems".
Arin states 'Mercedes Benz AG', RIPE 'Daimler Chrysler'... One would think this would/should actually be just the other way around, but never mind :)
"Daimler Benz AG" would have been more appropriate. Mercedes Benz was just the car manufacturer--but I'm not sure if the split was there in 1992. Until about a year ago, T-Systems actually used parts of the netblock for some hosted servers (Deutsche Post, for instance). But in the meantime, they've got non-legacy address space and are no longer in the "extra-small" category as far as their RIPE membership is concerned.