On Thu, 27 Jul 1995, Mike Lawrie wrote:
Michael Dillon writes:-
I think the key is to let people choose. The county name system and the .FAM system do not give people a choice. If cousin Ned wants to be in the .KLINGON domain and Aunt Sarah wants to be in the .SEWMISTRESS domain, why not let them? Realistically, in order to keep the root under control these should be .KLINGON.ROLE and .SEWMISTRESS.ROLE but maybe Aunt Martha is happy with the .SMITH.FAM domain.
Hmm. If you are looking for ideas (who said that they had to be good? what's good about a geographic/city split anyway?), why not have <SURNAME>.US, and let the family tree start to hang together. If there are, say, too many DILLON.US branches of the family, then the Dillons themselves can split this by whatever method suits them. If there are strong ties with those Dillons who arrived in 1687, then 1687.DILLON.US could be used, if the Dillons in Boston form a unit, then BOSTON.DILLON.US and so what if someone moves out of Boston, they still have the same family relationship.
I live in Canada, my father came from Ireland. Do we really need DILLON.US, DILLON.CA, DILLON.IE, DILLON.ZA? Wouldn't DILLON.FAM just do as well? Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022 Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-542-4130 http://www.memra.com E-mail: michael@memra.com