You got me there. I will add: "You can NEVER make the Pirates go away" but; "You can make sure they never enter your seas"
At which point, they take to land. The real issue at heart here is that some people wish to pursue evil means, and will change tactics and seek out weaknesses wherever they may find them. Today it might be weak verification of domain registry infrastructure, tomorrow it might be exploiting some p2p network. As has been repeated already, creating a fix in one technology will just force the would-be criminal to use another. The only real solution here is to make fewer criminals, and your only chances of that are to have more effective means of prosecuting them. In that aspect, I'm afraid we are quite a long way off, and will still always be a reactive process as opposed to a proactive process. The only hope is that it would deter future riffraff (though you could argue, such as with the pirate analogy, they will just find new avenues of attack).