From: Tim Rand

Hi -
I have searched the archives but have not found an answer to my question - is there any danger in using excessively high TTL values with ebgp-multihop?    For example, neighbor x.x.x.x ebgp-multihop 255   -  255 is generally much higher than needed, but is there any risk/danger ??    Thanks in advance.   - Tim
The number of hops in an ebgp-multihop scenario isn't usually the concern. When using ebgp sessions to null route baddies, the peer can be an unspecified number of hops away. I would consider 255 to be overkill, but not much harm. In normal routing, I would try to keep the hop count within 1 or 2. It's just a good practice. Remember, every router between the two sessions has to also know the route. Perhaps some of the older folks have some better tidbits of advice.