8 Jul
8 Jul
5:38 p.m.
On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 10:27:43AM -0700, Stephen Stuart wrote:
I see 2 possibilities: - MAPS doesn't test if a reported spamhouse is really an open relay, and is therefore susceptible to forgery. - MAPS does do open relay testing and therefore performs the same 'unsolicited traffic' as ORBS, which would mean they're hypocritic.
testing != probing, so your list of possibilities is incomplete.
Standing slightly corrected by another post, it seems MAPS investigates each report thoroughly. I do not see how you would check if a machine is an open relay without testing, tho. Greetz, Peter. -- petervd@vuurwerk.nl - Peter van Dijk [student:developer:ircoper]