On Tue, 29 Oct 1996, Robert Bowman wrote:
This is all very interesting information. It seems at-home recently did the same thing with us, as they stopped all transit and were not on CIX, basically forcing us to peer with them. Is this the route to get peering with the big players that will now evolve? Forced peering due to unreachability?
Ya, we have the same problem, we will be at 7 NAPs by the end of the month, and DIGEX does not meet our peering requirements. If I don't peer with DIGEX then our customers yell at us when it is a DIGEX problem.
What we could do is all cut peering say the first of the year and then DIGEX would need to buy transit or connect to more NAPs.
Nathan Stratton CEO, NetRail, Inc. Tracking the future today!
I'm quite sure that DIGEX doesn't care a hoot whether they meet netrail's peering requirements. Even more so for ANS, MCI, Sprint, BBN, UUNET, PSI, Netcom, and some others I can think of. In fact, it doesn't appear that you're peering with them now, and until a few weeks ago you were only at MAE-East, while they were also at MAE-West and Pennsauken. Avi