<https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog67/survey>On the point raised by this index of IXP costs - has anyone put together a table of information on the opposite side of the question: What is the cost of establishing a PNI direct crossconnect in a major IX point? This varies widely by particular location and which real estate investment company/datacenter developer happens to own a particular property. There's to-remain-unnamed colo & power providers who like to get people into a facility with cheap rack & power and then charge hundreds of dollars per month per fiber pair for a regular 9/125 XC between two racks or cages in the same facility. Others where the cost is $0 monthly and you can pull your own fiber through the overhead trays to establish PNI. Others where you pay monthly rent for your own 144-strand 4U patch panel in a fiber MMR but the XCs between panels are $0/MRC. Also worth knowing for comparison to the spreadsheet in #3 below: To what extent are intra-facility XC costs available without NDAs to publish and share? Which colo facilities consider NRCs and MRCs for fiber XCs to be proprietary information? 3 -