On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Jimmy Hess <mysidia@gmail.com> wrote:
If they had a qualified technician, they probably wouldn't be raiding a TOR exit node in the first place; they would have investigated the matter more thoroughly, and saved precious time.
And what if the TOR exit node was in the cloud? Are they going to confiscate millions of servers just because a few of them were hosting child pornography?? (I am a believer of Cloud Computing, and in fact earlier this month we had a 10,000-node Grid Engine HPC cluster running in Amazon EC2: http://blogs.scalablelogic.com/2012/11/running-10000-node-grid-engine-cluste... ) I believe most Cloud providers (Google, Amazon, IBM, etc) have some sort of disclaimer clause... but then one can get a VPN account easily too (there are many free ones as well)! So how could VPN, local coffee shops, and cloud providers protect themselves from this kind of non-sense?? Rayson ================================================== Open Grid Scheduler - The Official Open Source Grid Engine http://gridscheduler.sourceforge.net/
-- -JH