On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
We do this already, but the main problem we run into is customers are hesitant to buy services from a direct competitor. Doesn't matter that we are cheaper or have good connectivity, but that they don't want to have to sell against who they are buying services from. The fact the MCI/Sprint/etc all sell local access doesn't seem to bother them as much.
Ok... so only sell to resellers? Does that cut too far into the profit margin?
Well, that would mean dumping a known, profitable set of customers for a much smaller set of potential customers. Perhaps a startup could choose to target those customers, but we can't afford to throw away what we have built up. John Tamplin Traveller Information Services jat@Traveller.COM 2104 West Ferry Way 205/883-4233x7007 Huntsville, AL 35801