On 2/2/2011 5:42 PM, Brian Johnson wrote:
I must have missed something. Why would u do NAT in IPv6?
1) To allow yourself to change or maintain multiple upstreams without renumbering. 2) To allow your IPv6-only hosts to reach IPv4 addresses, or vice versa. 3) To give all your outbound sessions a mutual appearance, so as to confound those attempting to build a profile of your activity. 4) To irritate the IPv6 faithful. 5) Because it is funny. 6) Because you have allocated a single address to a machine that later on actually represents n differerent actual network entities, and retrofitting them with their own unique IPv6 subnet presents a problem. 7) Because Iljitch bet you you couldn't, and you don't want to lose a bet. 8) Because chicks/dudes think it's hot. 9) Because you can. 10) Because it is the year 8585, and we're running low on IPv6 addresses.