Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 09:27:27 +0100 From: James Aldridge <jhma@mcvax.org>
--On 2 October 2009 16:43:14 -0700 Kevin Oberman <oberman@es.net> wrote:
Depends on the address space it is assigned from. Most specify a maximum prefix length of 32, but the micro-allocations and the allocations for PI dual-homing are /48. We consider the following to be "legal": /* global unicast allocations */ route-filter 2001::/16 prefix-length-range /19-/35; /* 6to4 prefix */ route-filter 2002::/16 prefix-length-range /16-/16; /* RIPE allocations */ route-filter 2003::/18 prefix-length-range /19-/32; /* APNIC allocations */ route-filter 2400::/12 prefix-length-range /13-/32; /* ARIN allocations */ route-filter 2600::/12 prefix-length-range /13-/32; /* ARIN allocations */ route-filter 2610::/23 prefix-length-range /24-/32; /* LACNIC allocations */ route-filter 2800::/12 prefix-length-range /13-/32; /* RIPE allocations */ route-filter 2A00::/12 prefix-length-range /13-/32; /* AfriNIC allocations */ route-filter 2C00::/12 prefix-length-range /13-/32; /* APNIC PI allocations */ route-filter 2001:0DF0::/29 prefix-length-range /40-/48; /* AFRINIC PI allocations */ route-filter 2001:43F8::/29 prefix-length-range /40-/48; /* ARIN PI allocations */ route-filter 2620::/23 prefix-length-range /40-/48; /* ARIN Micro-allocations */ route-filter 2001:0500::/24 prefix-length-range /44-/48;
This means accepting prefixes ARIN says we should not, but ARIN does not set our routing policy and I will be on a panel on that issue at NANOG in Dearborn later this month.
It might be worth relaxing filtering within 2001::/16. The RIPE NCC appears to be making /48 PI assignments from within 2001:678::/29 (e.g. the RIPE Meeting next week will be using 2001:67c:64::/48)
Looks like we need to relax 2001:678::/29 a bit, but I am not sure that we will open up the entire /16. I already have such for ARIN, AfriNIC, and APNIC. Is there some central repository for information on this? We usually seem to find out about such changes out of the ARIN region a bit after the fact. -- R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) E-mail: oberman@es.net Phone: +1 510 486-8634 Key fingerprint:059B 2DDF 031C 9BA3 14A4 EADA 927D EBB3 987B 3751