Hi, On Jun 27, 2008, at 5:22 AM, Alexander Harrowell wrote:
Well, at least the new TLDs will promote DNS-based cruft filtration. You can already safely ignore anything with a .name, .biz, .info, .tv suffix, to name just the worst.
Does this actually work? The vast majority of spam I receive has an origin that doesn't reverse map. Of those messages that have origins (as extracted from the appropriate Received header) that do reverse map, the majority are in com and net. The mail origins of the top 10 TLDs from the last 30K spam messages I've received): unknown: 12487 net: 2586 com: 1664 pl: 1093 ru: 917 it: 851 br: 652 de: 479 th: 372 fr: 226 Biz, info, and name don't show up at all. Looking at the 'From' lines, I get: com: 13432 de: 8819 net: 1959 org: 1902 uk: 256 it: 246 nl: 240 edu: 229 au: 181 ca: 180 What cruft are you filtering using top-level domains? Thanks, -drc