plenty of problems with that over here too. funnily enough google seems to completely ignore the coutry code in assigned PA/PI and only take the one in the PA -allocation- for the LIR itself (or more precisely, whichever the fuck stupid little country the LIR happened to be registered in at the moment the company was founded decades ago, as this is not easily updated, ending up with workstations in venezuela getting google in some obsolete crappy wannabe german dialect (dutch), which btw is considered completely obsolete for use on anything serious even in the netherlands itself. (maybe for ordering beer but that's about it) ;) they should just forget about this geolocation crap and just do it in english, unless specificed otherwise (for example, by going to www.google.de instead of google.com), provide an interface for the network administrator to set the default language for individual netblocks (which is something entirely different than the country code in whois, plently of offices in let's say dubai where people speak let's say french all day for example) or at the very minimum take the country code from the ASSIGNMENTS rather than the ALLOCATIONS (or just accept that countries and other languages are an obsolete concept and just force everyone to use english only, problem solved.) getting google in klingon is not much use, even if it would be the "local" klingon version of the country surrounding our building (which in most cases isn't much use either), it should still be network-block-owner definable On Thu, 20 Nov 2008, Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
Ditto for Google to me please, we are also having geo-location issues with various google.* domains.
Thanks, Jasper
On 20/11/2008, at 4:06 PM, Mark Tinka wrote:
Hi all.
Grateful if someone from Google and Yahoo can contact me off-list re: some geo-location issues with their web sites, our side of the world.
E-mail to the 'noc@' addresses seem to have > /dev/null'ed.
-- Jasper Bryant-Greene Network Engineer, Unleash
ddi: +64 3 978 1222 mob: +64 21 129 9458