Changing the relationship between local time and true solar noon to provide more or less sunlight during certain times of the day and certain times of the year is a totally suboptimal solution. Its like changing your oil by rotating your entire car while holding the oil filter stationary. But gov't shouldn't tell us when we have to get up, or go to work, so if they just change what time it is, we're all fooled, right? This is the North American Network Operators Group mailing list, so I am curious, do any network operators see actual impact, to network operations, if this does go into effect? Where time of day is present in protocols, it is almost always based on UTC. There are already many different and inconsistently applied local timezone rules in the world, and it does not seem to impact network operations. I see this as more of an applications and UI/UX type of impact. I guess what I am asking, do IP packets check and adjust their wristwatches when they transit different timezones?